hello, world

A random collection of thoughts from my perspective; reader beware!

It’s Been A Long Time

I recently went on the journey of determining when I first started using Unity. It was a rabbit hole that was so deep that even my Gmail history was starting to struggle. It came up in conversation with a few engineers after they recognized my alias having used some of the tools I’ve made in…

Identity Crisis: Game Developer

I am a father to an awesome son, who inspires me. I am a husband to an amazing woman who makes me a better person every day. So why is it that I don’t lead with these defining features when asked to talk about myself?


Recently, Epic announced that it would be offering a games store like Steam, but with a few key changes. Most notably a lack of a discussion forum. This was seen by most as a breath of fresh air, for the combination of anonymity and humanity has resulted in Steam becoming one of the most toxic…


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  • I think I’ll name this framework Fu; nothing could possibly go wrong with that name.
  • Quick fix for anyone seeing their URP projects implode after upgrading to Unity 2022.2f1 (URP 14.0.4) when initializing the URP data asset. Remove the entries for VR and XR from your package manifest. It will stop the offending logic for now. #unity3d #happenedtome
  • I really wish people would not park on the road (bylaw prohibited) when it snows around here (#ptbo). It really screws over some of my elderly neighbours when the plow is forced to drop more snow in front of thier driveway. Snowblowers though are a life saver!
  • Every time I go to work on my own project, I find myself going and fixing something in #Unity. @aras we miss you 🙂
  • This really is better than twitter 😉 it has everything I want without the bullshit 😉
  • Oh secret twitter how I missed you