Game Development General

Going Home

It seems like this post has been writing itself for the better part of a decade.

Game Development General

It’s Been A Long Time

I recently went on the journey of determining when I first started using Unity. It was a rabbit hole that was so deep that even my Gmail history was starting to struggle. It came up in conversation with a few engineers after they recognized my alias having used some of the tools I’ve made in […]

Game Development General

Unity’s Game Studio Report 2018

A while back Unity approached small independent studios to get a feeling for how they work in the industry and ultimately how they’ve stayed successful. dotBunny was among the lists of studios contacted, having worked with Unity since 2006. Here are some of my thoughts and comments now that I’ve seen the collated data.


Back On Trail

The last time I hopped on my mountain bike, I was in my early 20s. Well along my career path with a successful startup behind me, my future was promising. I would ride every morning, through the bush, as fast as I could, pushing my own limits like every irresponsible young adult should. It was my me time where I could think about the day ahead, and map out what needed to get done. Yet, one fateful day, all that changed.

Game Development General PTBO Game Jam Rants

PTBO Game Jam 04

As the PTBO Game Jam has grown, so have the complexities and logistics involved in putting on an event of it’s size in Peterborough, Ontario. PTBO Game Jam 04 presented its own unique set of problems, and hard learned lessons.


The Fleming “Big Ask” Experiment

I had the opportunity to develop an upper-year college level course at Fleming College, my first lab was an experiment which included a postmortem.

General Rants

PTBO Tech Amputation

My exit from the PTBO Tech Slack may have come as a surprise to some. Getting out a head of speculation, it’s more about my own limit of bandwidth.


Back To School: Teaching At Fleming College

It’s been over 10 years since I partook in the post-secondary education systems ecosystem. I’ve got a checkered past when it comes to attendance, no sense avoiding that.

General Rants

4 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Developer

One of the most impactful decision any business owner will ever make is whom they choose to hire. Asking these 4 questions will save you time and money.

General Rants

Where Did You Hear That?

Technology has created a 24/7 production pipeline of information for consumption, where “news” outlets are in a constant battle to attract the attention of potential readers and are almost required to make sure that their titles catch the attention of any passerby.

General Rants

Finding The Time

As we go through life, so many people become hyper focused on money. This is where I am very blessed/lucky to have been working in tech from an early age, so I’ve seen it, been there, and wrote the novel to prove it. OK, maybe I haven’t written a novel, but I did have one in the works with Packt for a while, but ending up killing it because I didn’t feel the approach they wanted was best suited for teaching people how to use Unity.


How People Matter

As I look at the “drafts” indicator on the backend of this site, it keeps taunting me with the giant 8 plastered beside it. It is not like I haven’t gotten some really great ideas and started writing things down, but I never managed to get any of those articles to the point where I was satisfied with them. I’m still leaving them there to go back to in the future and flush out further. That however highlighted a much more pressing point of “why are there 8, why can’t I just finish one”. The answer to that problem is much more interesting and what I thought I would write a little about.